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SOTEN Research Grant Recipients

We are pleased to announce that the following students have been selected as recipients of the highly prestigious SOTEN Research Grant for the year 2080.

  Saurav Shrestha
(Pulchowk Campus)
Development of Pavement Condition and Roughness Prediction model for flexible
pavements using Artificial Neural Network
  Sanjay Luitel
(Pulchowk Campus)
Assessing Travel Time Prediction Models for Mixed Traffic on a Two-
Lane Highway: A Case Study on the Section of Narayanghat-Mugling Highway
  Sanjeev Budhathoki
(Nepal Engineering College)
Assessment of Vehicle and Pedestrian Safety at Unsignalized Intersection using
Microsimulation and Surrogate Safety Assessment Model: A Case Study of
Intersection at Old Sinamangal
  Narayan Sharma
(Nepal Engineering College)
Comparison of Operational Performance and Vehicle Emissions for Pretimed and
Actuated Signal Timing: A Case study of Jorpati Intersection

